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Fake City University of New York Degree

City University of New York fake degree, City University of New York diploma

City University of New York fake degree

The City University of New York fake degree, City University of New York degree, City University of New York fake diploma, University of New York degree. The City College of New York – City College (English: The City College of New York, abbreviated: CCNY), also translated as the City College of New York, was established in 1847 and is a four-year college in the City University of New York system. The founding school of the system is also the branch school with the longest history. It is especially famous for its engineering. As of 2012, 11 alumni have won the Nobel Prize. The City College of New York is moderate in size relative to the number of students enrolled at other four-year campuses in the City University of New York system. In 2011, the City College of New York had a total of 16,089 students, including 12,938 undergraduates and 3,151 graduate students. The City College of New York has always cultivated many outstanding talents, among which Powell, who once served as the Secretary of State of the United States, and Andrew Grove, a magnate of the American insurance industry and a man of the year in Time Magazine in 1997. Thousands of graduates from City College of New York have worked in New York’s leading companies, including Metropolitan Life Insurance, Chase Bank, Citibank, Goldman Sachs Investment Bank, etc.

The Department of Science and Engineering of City College of New York is quite outstanding, and it is also the strongest school of science and engineering in the City University of New York system. Others such as art, humanities, and business also have a certain level of performance. There are about fifty-six departments in CCNY that confer master’s degree or above, and all science and engineering departments confer doctorate. In terms of its science and engineering departments, according to the ranking list published by The Conference Board of Associated Research Councils, the situation is as follows: chemical engineering (20-30), civil engineering (40-50), physics (10-20), mathematics (30-40), Computer (90-100), Chemistry (50-60), Mechanics (30-40), Electronics (30-40), while art and fine arts rank around 40. This ranking is based on every ten schools as a grade, which is of more reference value. It is worth mentioning that the Department of Chemical Engineering has a number of master professors of fluid mechanics, ranking first in the United States. In addition, the communication engineering in the Department of Electronic Engineering has made breakthroughs and innovative research in network, microwave, satellite communication, data and optical fiber communication, and codec theory.